Vol. 4, Tuesday 10.08.19
Boxes, dead bugs, and more transparency
It’s a great feeling when you crush a bug and check some boxes. To continue my transparency, I was stressing a bit to get everything together to get our closed beta out the door. Disconnecting and attending the conference helped me take a step back and put me in a new place of peace and appreciation. (I hope it does the same for both the amazing team I have the pleasure to work with and those of you who honor us with your attention).
Why peace and appreciation?
1). Because I know that we are working really hard, making great progress everyday, and that I must continue to mature in my patience.
2). I am both proud and appreciative of our dev team which has been Eli and I working together over the past several months to get everything to come together to work and set the foundational infrastructure for our future app.
Three Michelin Stars
You all have heard our Why several times yet, do you know to what end?
This first initiative / first app is our appetizer. It will help us understand what seasonings are working, which sauces are great, and help us understand on which elements we can improve for our "main dish" - one of many.
Please continue to follow the analogy (I love Chef’s Table - thanks Netflix). Our current drive and trajectory is to build / become a "Michelin star restaurant" where we bring incredible, passionate, and driven creatives (creative heroes) together under one roof to have a blast creating, tasting, and serving the world incredible meals together - bringing excellence and value to all parties. A constant and beautiful whirlwind of creativity spinning up new flagship menu items and an organization that sets the next level foundation for the next generations. Sound lofty? Good. If it’s not lofty then I haven’t done my job.
A refresher on our Why:
We seek to fill a gap in the way we create organizations, bring people together, and energize each other. Rekindle the Affinity we have for our work, each other, and our enjoyers.
What about you?
-What drives you? What’s your vision?
-Do you have a why for your business or career?
-Do you have a vision for your marriage and other important relationships?
-Do you have a vision for why you exist in the life of your children?
-What about you personally... What about Friend?
There are so many points that I am still digesting from the leadership conference yet, I believe this is one of the most important. It may seem obvious. Nonetheless, I challenge you to ask yourself the questions above. It takes courage and you might have to tear yourself apart and put yourself back together again.
Extreme value: what about the others?
Understanding the section above is critical. We had the pleasure to hear from Horst Schulze, founder of the Ritz Carlton Hotels. He drove the point home of bringing excellence in all that you do and to providing the most value to all whom you serve. That means both your team and your customers. How can you bring excellence across your entire organization, family, project, university, etc.? What do people expect even on a subconscious level? We must also seek to serve everyone in those areas. Our subconscious minds are often more likely to recognize when something was off or someone had not the true desire to bring us value in a transaction.
This is only the tip of the iceberg, if that. I hope these thoughts provoke you deeply and that they bring you value. Let me know your thoughts.
Last weeks bonus question:
What is the team's overall favorite TV show genre (do we still say TV show?)?
The answer is
Supporters, here's to what today seems like lofty!
A Texas sized thank you!
Stock images thanks to Pixabay!