Vol. 2, Friday 9.06.19
A lot happens every week. From fine tuning our site, meeting with advisors, enhancing internal / external tech and processes, continued creative development to hours of researching social media marketing best practices (we're trying haha).
Let’s get started with the top four things again (who does four? It’s always 3, 5, or 10)
(1) + (2)
Why: If you read anything, read this
I decided this had to be first. If you read anything this should be it. You must know why we exist. I believe this holds the weight of at least two points so it’s coming at you as two points!
I get asked often what the “practical” elements are of our company. A year ago this question had made me uncomfortable because Legendary didn’t fit in the cookie cutter of the business world (thank goodness).
Legendary Affinity was not built to seem "practical". It was built upon extreme clarity.
We avoided the façade and went straight to crafting our Mercury Mission. We are going to the moon (aiming for the stars) rather than down the street.
-When did placing men in tin cans strapped to explosives to leave Earth seem practical?
-When did indexing the primal World Wide Web seem practical?
-When did cramming the power of a mainframe into a “personal computer” seem practical?
This is who we are:
We seek to fill the gap in the way we create organizations, bring people together, and energize each other. Rekindle the Affinity we have for our work, each other, and our enjoyers.
Bringing incredible, passionate, and creative people together who align with the mission, who want to have fun, who want to prosper, who want to create something awesome, and who want to share it with the world is the fire of this how.
Now we have a Realm, Affinity Forge, where we are creating some really cool Immersive Digital Stories. What the future holds…we shall see… This “What” is subject to incredibly powerful change.
I am convinced that if everyone were doing what they love for a living, we could cure depression, anxiety, even lower divorce and abuse rates.
App progress: Ringing out the washcloth
Rigorous development and testing continues. The major bugs are being rung out to ensure our beta testers have a wonderful experience on our Version 1
Sign up for our exclusive beta and test our game on your mobile device (iPad is going to be really fun if you have one ;) )!
Got credits?
This week we completed the creation of the credits for our game. It was extremely exciting to see this new level of realism and was an emotional moment to think about all of the people who touched this project. I couldn’t believe how many names we are honored to showcase.
Another big thank you to those who have supported us and decided to be part of our journey! You will always be known as the first to have been there. The future is Legendary and we will never stop charging towards our goal and having a blast creating and activating creative heroes along the way!
Quote of the week
I will leave you with a quote from Napoleon Hill that has kept me going:
“The watchword of the future will be human happiness and contentment. When this state of mind has been attained, the production will take care of itself more effectively than anything ever accomplished where people did not, and could not, mix faith and individual interests with their labor.”
See a pattern here?